How to have a great camping adventure with rented equipment

Going camping is a great way to get out and back into nature. Get some fresh air and spend quality time with friends and family. Especially for first time campers, quality camping gear might break the budget. We will tell you why you still shouldn’t fall back to cheap, low quality or second hand gear, but rather rent high quality equipment at low cost from camping enthusiasts or local camping shops. You’ll be doing something for your wallet and the environment.
Plan your trip in detail:
Although it might seem to be a great idea to go out all spontaneously and just dive into the adventure, you should still have the basics set up beforehand. Answer the following questions:
Where do I stay? When do I go? How will the weather be (weather conditions can make or break a nice camping adventure)? What am I gonna eat and how do I prepare it? What do I need to bring? Which equipment do I have and what do I need to rent?
Organize your equipment in advance:
Although renting camping equipment is very flexible and spontaneous, you should still make sure to organize your equipment in advance. Just to make sure equipment is available and fits your needs.
We suggest you to start your gear search 2-3 weeks before your trip. Also let lenders know on time and agree a pickup time. Sometimes equipment has to be sent via mail, so plan for that as well.
Don’t forget the details:
When thinking of camping equipment the first things that come to your mind are probably a tent, airbed and maybe a gas stove. But don’t forget about the little but crucial equipment. Get a torch for the night, first aid kit, a multitool and some tape for small repairs.
You won’t believe it, but you can even rent some of these small things online. Check out where to rent what you need here.
And don’t forget about sun- and mosquito protection!
Finding the perfect gear and where to rent it:
When picking a tent, it’s a good idea to choose one that’s a size or two bigger than the number of people using it. This will allow enough room to store your gear inside the tent and have comfortable space to sleep.
Whatever time of year you choose to camp it’s a good idea to bring a sleeping bag as temperatures can drop at night. When choosing a sleeping bag, pay attention to the season and temperature rating to ensure it will keep you at the optimum temperature for the time of year you choose to camp.

Practice handling the gear:
Pitch the tent at home, don’t embarrass yourself at the campsite by not knowing how to build it up. Know how to operate the gas stove, the bbq, generator, etc.. The lender is probably willing to explain everything to you in detail. They are always nice and willing to lend you a helping hand (of course at no extra cost).
After the adventure:
After your camping trip, which went well because you were prepared like a pro and brought professional gear, make sure to return the rented gear in good condition. Bring everything back from the campsite, make sure to not forget anything. Clean all the gear, give the tent a wipe with a wet paper towel, remove stains from the grill, wash the sleeping bag, wipe the airbed. Always return rented gear in the same conditions as you picked it up. If you broke anything, always tell the lender, most of the rental websites featured on include insurance for damages caused by you.
If you had a good adventure and were satisfied with the rented gear, leave the lender a good review on the rental platform, Yelp or Google Review, they will always appreciate that.
So, what’s holding you back from diving into your next (or first) camping adventure? You now have all the know-how and we provide you with an alternative to costly equipment. Find and rent camping gear easily with Let’sQuip.

Matt Graham