All you need to know about renting camping equipment
We show you how to find the perfect rental equipment for your camping adventure with Let’sQuip and what to pay attention to when renting camping equipment.
Save big bucks by renting camping equipment. Camping equipment like tents, airbeds, gas stoves etc. are super expensive to buy, hundreds, even thousands of Dollars in most cases. Unless you fall back to cheap low quality gear, renting is the only way to go if you want to have a great camping adventure on a budget.

FAQ renting camping equipment:
Who should rent camping equipment?
As long as you don’t go camping every weekend, you don’t need your own equipment, rather rent it, it’s not worth buying expensive equipment.
Even if you’re a more frequent camper, you should still rent equipment abroad. Just save the effort (and cost) of bringing your own tent, campervan, sleeping bag, to your destination or remote camping spot. Rather rent professional gear from local rental shops and connect to locals by renting their camping equipment.
What’s the most popular camping equipment to rent?
All kinds of camping equipment are being offered to rent online, on various rental platforms and by local campaign rental shops. Tents, sleeping bags, hiking backpacks, gas stoves, everything.
Anything I have to pay extra attention to when renting camping equipment?
Just don’t break it, don’t stain the tent, make sure to use the gear in the way it’s supposed to be used. And always make sure to clean the rented gear before returning it.
What websites can I rent camping equipment on?
Camping equipment rentals can be found on various rental platforms and local rental shops. There are specialized platforms like Outdoorgearo or Paulcamper for campervans.
So there is plenty of choice and 100,000s of offers all around the world.
Is the rented camping equipment insured in case I break it?
Most camping gear rental websites featured on Let’sQuip include damage insurance. So you’re all protected in case you break anything by accident.

Matt Graham